Monday 13 April 2015

L E S T  W E  F O R G E T 

A N Z A C  2 0 1 5

Creating beautiful wreaths
Rosie brought an old bugle along that her dad had bought. It looks like it could have been in the first world war.

We made ANZAC biscuits
Reegan thought they were delicious!
Kaylee liked the crunch!

We all had a go at making ANZAC biscuits in room 10, made wreaths in room 6, listened to a story in room 7 with some drama added in and explored the different parts of the ANZAC ceremony in room 8.
We held a school 'White cross' memorial. There were speeches, singing, laying down of wreaths and Hoani played the Last Post. It was very moving...


We have been looking at 3D shapes this week and have made some Angry birds and shelters. There is even some skate boarding action! The kids ...