Sunday, 30 October 2016

Kiwi Kids Outdoors 2016

Kiwi Kids 2016

Our inquiry this term is about what it means to live in such a wonderful environment and how we are the kaitiaki - guardians of the land.

Our whakatauki is...

Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua
As man disappears from sight, the land remains

This demonstrates the holistic values of the Maori, and the utmost respect of Papatuanuku, the mother of the earth.

We have already been to Dolbel reserve and had a wonderful time looking at the views. enjoying the bush and of course....CARDBOARD SLIDING!

I Remember poems

Mrs Peggy Gulliver

Today, we had a visit from Mrs Gulliver who used to teach at our school. She talked to us about the importance of enjoying the outdoors but also being careful to look after ourselves by wearing the right gear, telling someone where you are and having good nutritious food with you.


We have been looking at 3D shapes this week and have made some Angry birds and shelters. There is even some skate boarding action! The kids ...