Monday 22 May 2017

Exploring the past....Shopping!

 In the past, shopping was very different. There were no supermarkets, you had to go to lots of different shops to get what you needed. Have a look at the pictures to see what Room 7 was buying and selling...

Tuesday 16 May 2017

MTG Visits

The Middle School visited the MTG to find out more about a museum,
We wanted to know how things from the past are displayed.
We compared things from the past to today.
We were very curious and observant.  Ask your child what they discovered at the MTG

A big thank you to all the parents who came with us.  You are awesome!!

Sunday 7 May 2017

Peace run

Today we were visited by a special group of people who are part of an international group promoting peace around the world.

They sang to us, showed us a movie about what they do, they listened to Te Aroha as we sang it.

We learned that, Peace begins with me....

Click on the link to learn more.

Peace run

Saturday 6 May 2017

What is the past and how do we know?

Kia ora and welcome to Term two's learning inquiry.

We have started the term by asking 'What is the past and what things from the past are special to us?

Here are some images of special objects that Mrs Makene and some of students brought in. Rooms ten and seven had a good look at them and wrote down some questions about them - do you recognise what they could have been used for?


We have been looking at 3D shapes this week and have made some Angry birds and shelters. There is even some skate boarding action! The kids ...