Saturday 11 March 2017


We have had six weeks of swimming and what a wonderful time everyone has had, cooling off in our school pool and developing their water skills at the same time. 
Mr Lister, our caretaker posts the temperature every day, which has been really interesting and coincided with our maths focus on Time, at the start of the year. The temperature was never below 20 degrees when we swam and 29 degrees was the hottest it got(more like a warm bath really)!!!
It has been really great to see such a lot of resilience and positivity towards learning to swim and we have seen lots of effort and willingness to give things a go!!! This has resulted in some great improvement.
Although it was too wet for our actual swimming sports day, we all had a lot of fun on our practice days, and it gave the children some experience of how it would look and feel. Here are some photos showing how much fun we had!

Making it look easy!

In line ready to give it their best.

Mrs Pacheco celebrating a race well swum.

One of our mermaids.

Watching the action.

Ready! Set! Go!

Does my hair look alright?

Cyrus relaxing after his race!

Backstroke style.

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We have been looking at 3D shapes this week and have made some Angry birds and shelters. There is even some skate boarding action! The kids ...