Monday 21 March 2016


D I S A S T E R     E N Q U I R Y

The Middle School have been involved in an enquiry into disasters and how people cope and look after each other during and after such tragic events. As part of that study we visited the MTG and the school where 'Isabel's Upside Down day' is set. This is a book we use to help the kids have some empathy and understanding with kids their own age during such a traumatic event.

We visited the MTG in Napier where Gaynor Comley greeted us and took us on a tour of the exhibit, played some games and told us lots of great stories as well as sad and moving ones. 

At Nelson Park School
 The setting for Isabel's Upside Down Day

Grace and Tayla
say thanks for a great morning!
Nelson Park was the scene of tent
 city after the earthquake

There was a lot of information in the text, photos, pictures and objects we looked at

Autumn helped us to learn about 
Stop! Drop! and Hold!

Jordyn was a great help!

Even the bricks were interesting!

There were some great costumes-
what a great effort!

The Room 8 researchers

Doing some research

The lads checking out the exhibits

Very respectful listeners and learners

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We have been looking at 3D shapes this week and have made some Angry birds and shelters. There is even some skate boarding action! The kids ...