Sunday 10 April 2016

Non-Fiction = Non-stop facts

Mrs Lowe bringing in her 'bag of animals' to 

illustrate how libraries are organised

Fletcher and Alex are listening intently to Mrs Lowe

Darian-wondering about what information she could find about this animal

Mrs Lowe - our librarian sharing some new information with us

Room 8 had Mrs Lowe visit us twice last week and she was sharing with us about what non-fiction was about and she taught us that it's like non-stop facts! 

She brought in a range of books all from the non-fiction section and talked about how libraries across the world are organised by the 'Dewey decimal' system. She has also designed a treasure hunt for us to use and locate the various books we have in our fantastic library.

She also brought in a bag of different plastic animals and talked about how the library was organised in a similar way -inside  the category of animals there were all sorts of  different animals you can read about.

During our inquiry into disasters we have been listening to and reading a range of non-fiction. We have learned about contents, glossaries and indexes. We have thought about key words and ideas too. We hope you have enjoyed learning new facts and ideas too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bledisloe school, Middle school. Great class blog. If you are wondering who I am... I'm Nand... Nand Jadeja. I used to be a student in bledisloe school as a year 5.



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